About Us
Arrayed Fiberoptics Corporation was founded in USA by Physicist Dr. Benjamin Ben Jian (PhD) in 2003.
The non-contact fiber optic connector invented by Physicist Dr. Benjamin Ben Jian (PhD) has overturned the regular physical contact type fiber optic connector that has been using for 40 years worldwide. We won multiple foreign awards for our Innovation and have been hailed by foreign media as the "world's largest breakthrough in the field of fiber optic connectors in the past 30 years". It has been nominated as the next international standard.
Our company is mainly committed to its award-winning Non-Contact MPO fiber optic connectors (MNC) and Non-Contact single fiber optic connectors.Excellent performance is the hallmark of all of our non-contact fiber optic connectors. Compared to regular MPO connectors, MNC provides significant improvements in repeatability, dust sensitivity, and lifespan. Single fiber non-contact connectors (LC, SC, FC) have the same advantages.Due to these performance advantages, non-contact fiber optic connectors can easily operate in harsh environments and conditions, where ordinary physical contact connectors cannot work. We will continue to serve more customers with professionalism and integrity.
Achivements & Awards
1) Published by influential media LightReading as "the world's largest breakthrough in the field of fiber optic connectors in the past 30 years" (2012);
2) Won the Prism Award (SPIE) Awarded by the International Association of Optoelectronic Engineers (2014);
3) The Non-Contact single fiber optic connector was awarded the "Optical Wave Innovation Award" by OFC (2015)
4) Second place in the China OLION Optoelectronics Elite Competition, with a prize of 200000 yuan (2017)
5) The Non-Contact MPO fiber optic connector was awarded the "Optical Wave Innovation Award" (2017) by OFC;
6) Our Non-Contact MPO (MNC TM) connector has been submitted to IEC as a new international standard for "dust connectors".
7) The MJC fiber optic connector won the "Optical Wave Innovation Award (2023)" from OFC.
Our Partners
Contact us
Address: 1860 Villa Street Mountain View, CA 94041, USA.
Tel: +1-408-745-1900
Email: service03@arrayedfiberoptics.com
Linkdine: linkedin.com/in/yusuf-daniel-727b86297
Skype: Arrayed Fiber Optics