Advantage & Benefits of Non-Contact ( MNC ) connector.
Release time : 2023-11-20 view count : 316 次Non-Contact or Contcat-Less Connector has removed all the obstracle we have been facing with Physical Connector for last 40 Years, such as
1. High Density
Its almost impossible to connect all core to each other perfectly, not even 90% possibility.
2. High Insertion Loss
3. End Surface damage
4. Short Matting Life
The regular connector ( Physical Contact) usually contact each end surface very tightly, so we found end surface scratch, Damage that occurse " High Insertion Loss", Sometimes the connector become wastage if we test or tried multiple times. It was very costly.
4. Dust Sensitive
It was another most challenging task to clean gently the end surface, Specially when it needed to 50-100 meters high or more. It takes more charge for connection on that situation.
Non-Contact developed single & Multiple mode after identify all these obtacles those are not removed only, we have some more advantages too.
Now MNC ( Non-Contact) doesn't need to contact tightly end surface, It is " Air coated " so we can get High Density, Low Insertion Loss ( 0.06 dB), can be tested 1000 times.
Huwawei tested 10000 times without any damage and the maximum Insertion Loss was 0.26dB. So the matting life incrased 1000 times more, and the wastage cost saved.